Fueling Growth, Feeding Savings

Tennessee Valley Co-op is thrilled to announce our Summer "Fueling Growth, Feeding Savings" Sale! We understand the challenges of feeding cattle, which is why from July 1st to September 28th, 2024, we're offering incredible savings on three essential feeds. Stock up on Formax All Stock 14%, a versatile pelleted feed suitable for cattle, sheep, goats, deer, and swine, ensuring optimal energy levels for various livestock needs. For brood cows needing extra nutrition during demanding periods or low-quality forage seasons, our Brood Cow feed, packed with 13% protein and high energy, provides exceptional value. Lastly, our Formax Sweet 10 is specially formulated to meet the needs of cattle and goats, offering balanced nutrition while being mindful of feeding rates. Don't miss out on these discounted feeds designed to support your livestock's health and performance throughout the summer and beyond!


Brood Cow feed bag.

Brood Cow 

As the name suggests, this feed is designed to supplement the brood cow herd in times of elevated nutritional needs or times when forages are limited or of low quality. This is a 13% protein, high energy feed that provides a great deal of value for the cost. It can also be used as a finishing feed when fed at higher rates to growing cattle.

Formax Sweet 10 feed bag.

Formax Sweet 10

This feed is formulated for cattle, and goats and should be fed at a rate of no more than 2% of body weight per head per day.

Formax All Stock 14% feed bag.

Formax All Stock 14%

This feed is a pelleted all stock type feed designed to be a single option bag for cattle, sheep, goats, deer and swine. It is manufactured in an ionophore plant and is not recommended for equines. It does have a special warning for sheep due to copper levels but should be safe for most classes of sheep in normal production systems. It is a higher energy all stock feed and does well in many situations.